Do I need a new computer for 2005 Mazda Tribute?
I'm so confused. I had a $500 tune up six months ago with the three rear coils replaced while the intake was out for water pump replacement. Two weeks ago the auto sputtered, fuel in cabin smell and then died on the side of the road in about four miles. No engine light warning in advance. The same mechanic says that the computer went bad causing five coils to pop off/go bad. Some have said that the coils can cause the computer to go bad and some have said that the computer going bad caused the coils to pop off/go bad. One mechanic said the computer sends/receives but the coils only receive therefore cannot cause the computer to go bad. I have gotten prices for getting refurbished computers and replacing all 6 coils. Is this what needs to be done? Could the tune up with 3 rear coils have caused the computer to go bad or not? Or did the computer just die that day causing the five coils to pop off/go bad?