2004 Mazda Tribute V6 misfire.
Hi all.
I have a 2004 V6 Mazda Tribute that has no spark to number 4 cylinder. It is not
a spark plug or coil issue as I can swap the plugs and coils around and get
spark on other cylinders ok, just not number 4. I have replaced the PCM and still
no better and tested the wiring back to the PCM. I am getting 12 volts to the coil
on the positive wire and continuity ok on the negitive back to the pcm
I have compared the voltage and resistance to a known good coil connector
and the only difference I'm seeing is that on the negetive wire is that it's not
opening and closing the curcuit (switching from 0 ohms to open circuit) like it
seems to be doing on the other coils while the engine is running. This reading
made me think that the PCM was faulty. But obviously not.
Has anyone had this issue before or can offer any ideas of where to look to