Asked by WIZARD2323 Dec 09, 2015 at 06:15 PM about the 1999 Mazda Millenia 4 Dr S Supercharged Sedan
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
19 Answers
Well you definitely can't drive it, you are going to have to have it towed to a shop to get fixed. Sounds like something is broke in the steering.
WIZARD2323 answered 9 years ago
That isn't an answer. No shit you can't drive it. No shit something is broke in the steering. Waste my time with this response.
Well If you are not able to put forth a little initiative to go out and look yourself at where exactly the problem is SINCE I CANT BE THERE TO HOLD YOUR HAND, who's time is wasted. I am here to help.
Hello WIZARD2323. You seem like a genuinely nice, decent fellow. Good Day. I hope you and your family are all well. You car is broken. Got it?
Oh, and by the way, the air bag will blow up in you face and make you preety.
Proud of you, see what you can do with a little initiative? Thanks for the post...
jdcconsults answered 9 years ago
Seriously, this guy is right. He said he had a steering problem and the first response was you can't drive it you have a steering problem go to a shop. That's not helpful at all; and then you say I'm here to help. Help with what? Tell him to go to a shop? Yea, good thing you're here to tell him that. It was probably a loose bolt and you stupid assholes couldn't even offer up a suggestion. Rowefast and Fordnut, couple of geniuses right there.
"Okay Rowefast, I have your update on my issue, but first, let me say this. I was an Army helicopter mechanic, and wheeled vehicle mechanic for 20+ years. I was always told, and always told my soldiers, "take your time, triple check your work, and be 10% smarter than the equipment that you are working with or on. That being said, I did not heed my own mantra. Here was the problem. 1: I had the distributor out of time by 180 degrees. 2: ( and most embarrassing) I did NOT reconnect the ICM connectors. After "Correctly" setting the distributor, and plugging in the connectors, Ole Big Red fired right up. In closing, let me say thank you! Your thoughts and comments made me think about the problem and led me in the right direction to solving this issue. Merry Christmas and/or Happy Haunaka / Happy Quansa, and thanks again."
So who in the world are you?
jdcconsults answered 9 years ago
I am the man with no name. Zapp Brannigan.
Zapbrannigan answered 5 years ago
Broken rack and pinion or completely separated tie rods likely do to an impact
13yearssexless answered 5 years ago
Steering column needs to be replaced all or a few pieces same thing happened to me today on my hhr
I've replaced all parts and appreciate the comments as my steering wheel is completely immoveable. Not rack n pinion, not steering hoses or pump, not tie rods, etc. and key works to crank it. Thinking now it's steering column or steering rod. All input is appreciated!
Rowefast "20+" years and thats the best you came up with? I could've told him that and I don't have all that experience under my belt. Thank you for your service and respect what you guys do for us
ConcernedYoungOne answered 4 years ago
I had the same problem on my 1998 Cadillac DeVille, we had to replace the oil pan because it had a giant crack, but didn’t want to pull or loosen the transmission as most shops and what not tell you to do, but we still had to pull down the subframe to remove and put back the oil pan, but didn’t disconnect the shaft from the rack, and that pulls the slip joint apart, so you have to remove the top half of the iss, and put the joint back together. P.S. IM NOT A MECHANIC
Guru94B1GP answered 4 years ago
Its probably just a crack in the lampuster. You can easily fix it yourself by replacing the bolt generater first, then tighten up the barbulup rod. After that, just slip in a new lampuster and there you go. Very easy fix.
Guru9DB6R5 answered 4 years ago
It just happened to me today. Pulled into work and lost all turning. Wheel just spins like a kids toy. Car turn on and stuff, but no joy at the wheel. My life...