why do used Camrys seem to be cheaper than Corollas?

Asked by migration_judge_roy Jul 11, 2013 at 10:10 AM about the 1998 Ford Taurus LX

Question type: Shopping & Pricing

Carl Barron's Taurus caught fire, and he put it out with a bottle of drinking water---second
transmission...already spent over $1500 on it and now some wiring caught fire...I
recommended that he seek out a Toyota, but Camrys seem to be cheaper than
Corollas...why is this? they seem to be basically the same buggy?

9 Answers

'round $5000 no matter which Toyota~ Really don't want this man to spend ANY MORE money on the Ford~...rather trade that ole buggy in on a used Toyota...thoughts?

I only know of Carl because he's from MIlwaukee...same as me...only he's probably better of switching to a bicycle on account of the Fred Flinstone Factor~

They do run about the same, huh. I was looking just now. The only difference on the late 80's and 90's was the Camry offered a V6, and just a tiny bit more room inside. The Corolla is going to give you better gas mileage, and both of them hold value better than any car. My Corolla is worth every bit as much as I paid for it last May2012 as it is today. Camry has just a few tech~nerd options the Corolla does not offer and is a little heavier. But I can tell you that little 1.8 in my car will bring me up the mountain at 70 not breathing hard. Yesterday I drove 135 mile round trip and used 3.3 gallons..it barely moved off 'full'

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how can I convince Carl that ANY Toyota is going to make him happier and there will be no need for a tow truck anymore?...if he gets rid of his ford torres~

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Is he the sort of guy that will look at statistics....? You can not find parts as easily as most any car, used parts I mean. Like that guy a few days ago that said he got a "good used" transmission (actually a complete transaxle) for his Corolla...he was told it had 60,000 miles on it but I really do think he was told as whopper and he bought a 250,000 mile one, they are simply still on the road or wrecked FUBAR

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...well he's just a guy....who likes burritos...can never convince him to use his parking brake...I think this plays a role in his multiple transmission failures~ You can talk your head off to your kittycat, but it will make no difference....he'll still be a kittycat~

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I have never touched the parking brake handle on my car. I need to get in to the habit, like for when I leave the wife in the car to get groceries and let it run for A/C...it's easier than unloading the wheelchair, 02 bottle, etc. I just go in myself

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Guess you're used to an automatic transmission and rely on that internal parking pawl to do the job for you....tsk tsk....someone should teach you a lesson and stick you in a MINI cooper with a manual transmission....the car will literally go out of control if the parking brake is not used~


ithey are extremely similar cars, Corolla only being 2' shorter and a smaller 4 cyl engine, other than that, very very similar so sometimes price for Corollas and Camrys are same or Corollas are more if the Corollla is newer or has more extras on it....versus a standard old CE base model Camry..........Personally I think Camrys are the most boriong car around. Corollas are \fine with the Sports or SE model, I believe......I don't know what year model you are talking about but I'm digging the 2015 Corolla.......do not like all the prior Corolla models, ick.

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