2003 Mitsubishi eclipse
Was low on fuel died,hubby continued trying to start car, then put 3 gallons of
fuel in it..Cranks over fast getting spark won't start. Ran excellent 132,000 miles
on it.Wife that'd be me,sick now 7days,only vehicle,no work due to the virus.
Hubby new strangled! Knows muscle cars not newer cars.Has to be simple
project however he is going on about compression act. Despratly need help
guys,before I pull my last hand full of blonde hair out of my head.Im not having
breathing issues yet,very frightened really need you guys to help me convey to
hubby what to due,before we have nothing. Despratly nd help p,s pls. I'm
frightened so bad with my health no money coming in now no vehicle to get to
the hospital.its something simple,but he continues to look to deep any advise
would be for ever gratefully. Appreciated. In tears Tacoma wash sincerely Diane