5 Answers
Does ac cool correctly when driving at highway speeds? If not then it's not a fan issue. Fans only work at idle. Did you try the things I listed in your other question? Also these compressors have a high pressure pop off valve on them. If you shot freon in it without using the proper high and low gauges you just might have blown this pop off. And if so then compressor will have to be replaced. Pull connection off top of drier. Put jumper wire in the wire part of this connection. If compressor then comes on compressor is good you are just low on freon. If compressor does not come on then it's probably a compressor issue. Fans only come on at idle if compressor is working properly.
No its like warm air coming out and the last time I tried to refill the ac the pressure was on the red side so I took some pressure out to bring it back on the green and nothing , so where am I plugging the jumper cable , when I look at the compressor there's a connection that actually looks like this --> €
The connection I am talking about is on top of your drier.
But honestly with you stating that you read high pressure your comp is probably working. If that's the case then it's probably your drier and expansion valve that's stopped up. This will consist of replacing both and cleaning out the tubing between the two of them. When driers go bad they send hundreds of BB s into the tubing and expansion valve. This causes high pressure readings and low to no flow.