My 2002 Nissan Altima has started making sort of a squeaky belt sound and now it smells like burning rubber what could be the issue?
4 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
is the belt tightened to 3/16" approx or 4mm? or is a swingy torque arm type? methinks the flat belt (if a flat belt) has a worn belt tensioner that's causing it to swim to one side chafin' smellin'....sure that's gotta be it~ okay here's the scoop~ biw=1152&bih=624&tbm=shop&sclient=psy- ab&q=2002+Nissan+Altima+flat+belt&oq=2002+Nissan+Altima+flat+belt& gs_l=serp.12...10299.10299.2.11678. ecombined...0...1.1.32.psy-ab..
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