2014 Camry air conditioning sometimes delays putting out cold air
3 Answers
Probably just low on refrigerant. The only way to check is with a set of manifold gauges, which you can buy (they're cheap) or rent (some auto parts stores might loan them to you). You can try hosing off the condenser as well (it sits in front of the radiator), although it'd have to be pretty filthy to have any major impact on it's cooling ability. I don't like those "Pro AC" refill cans, just take it to an AC shop, they usually charge about 60-70 for up to two pounds of r134a, and they'll check for leaks too.
once it starts to cool it stays cool. i did not think it was coolant . i will check that out.
If you do decide to take this vehicle to a repair facility....consider asking those folks to look up Toyota Technical Service Bulletins concerning this vehicle. There are several which address problems with this Make/Model/year AC System. Get back to us with any updates.