I have a Saturn ion 2006, I just got a brand new starter one year ago, also had the ignition replaced, the same day. I had the battery tested and it's good, but when I go to start my car it hesitates
2 Answers
coolslider answered 8 years ago
starters can go bad frequently depending on were u live how often you start and stop your engine and how long you hold the key down after the vehicle has actually engaged. the starter spins your engine at 25-45 rpm enough to get the cylinders moving once it starts your car idles at 1100 to 1700 rpm if the starter is engaged that's like pushing a car down a hill then the driver hits the gas and your stuck running behind up until the point you take flight and get dragged across the pavement
coolslider answered 8 years ago
but to be honest we need more info . yr make model engine size. we need info such as cranks endless but wont start turn the key and it cranks supper slow or turn key and get a click click click crank all of these have different issues the clicking is either a sign of a weak battery- to much resistance in wire from battery to starter -- or bad magnetic solenoid in the starter(or starter relay bad) like johnny 5 says need input more input