Is this normal in the radiator Kia Forte 2022?
Asked by Jeisson Daniel Jan 07, 2023 at 11:17 AM about the 2022 Kia Forte LXS FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I recently bought an used Kia Forte 2022. I just
realized something unusual in the radiator. Is it
something I should be concerned about?
4 Answers
Guru9R9KBS answered 2 years ago
Looks like you have a leaf stuck in there. If you are referring to the radiator fins bent over due to rocks hitting them from driving down the highway? Those are normal.
Looks like maybe the bottom of the radiator is bent upwards. Did you get a vehicle history report? Was the vehicle involved in a front end collision? If the radiator isn't leaking and the engine isn't running hot I wouldn't worry about it. But if the radiator support is bent as well, which it could be, that might be a problem when it comes time to replace the radiator. Hope that helps! Jim
Jeisson Daniel answered 2 years ago
Yes, the vehicle history report is clean, not minor accidents or repairs, that’s why I’m concerned of why it looks like that. But it’s not leaking and the engine is not running hot. I don’t know if the best idea is just to ignore that. Thanks for your answer!.
You're welcome, glad to help! If it were me, I'd leave well enough alone. Jim