where is the stabilitrak button on a 1500 chevy silverado. I was told it does not have a button to t
Asked by dgearhart Mar 22, 2008 at 04:47 PM about the 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500
Question type: General
I was told by the dealer that my 2008 chevy silverado 1500 comes with stabilitrak but I cannot find a button that turns it on and off. When I asked the dealer he said that it does not have a button to turn on and off. I looked at my owners manual and it says it should have a button to turn on and off. Did he pull one over on me?
14 Answers
some may come with a on off switch ,but most i think work automaticaly.
littlehorn answered 16 years ago
Either yours has stabilitrak and the button to turn it off, or you got one without stabilitrak. I know some of the lower-end Dodges come with a switch to turn the passenger airbag off when you don't have a front seat passenger, but as you get into the higher trim levels, the switch is not there. So it is possible they omitted the switch. Have another dealer run your VIN number and show you if your car was optioned with stabilitrak or not.
if your silverado has a traction controll button just hold it in and the display screen will tell you traction control is off, just wait with the button held in and the screen will tell you stabilitrak is off, but as soon as you turn the truck off it turns back on, so just hold the t/c button again to turn it off, you have to hold it for 8 to 10 seconds but it will turn off. also if you put the truck in 4x4 low it will turn stabilitrak off automatically
If it doesn't have a button to turn Stabilitrak off, it does NOT have Stabilitrak- the button looks like a truck with squiggly lines behind it- you hold it for up to 10 seconds and you will get a "Stability system disabled " yellow light or symbol on your dash- Stability control was NOT standard on all 2008 trucks- the button should be located between the 2 cigarette lighter/plugins at the bottom of the middle of the dash.
HikingViking answered 10 years ago
I know this post is old, but from my Silverado owner's manual (2007), it states the following: The traction control disable button is located on the instrument panel below the climate controls. The traction control part of StabiliTrak® can be turned off by pressing and releasing the StabiliTrak® button if both systems (traction control and StabiliTrak®) were previously on. To disable both traction control and StabiliTrak®, press and hold the button for five seconds. Apparently troubleshooting the stabilitrak system is tricky. The "stabiltrak off" msg comes and off in my truck occasionally. According to the manual - "There are several conditions that can cause this message to appear. • One condition is overheating, which could occur if StabiliTrak® activates continuouslyfor an extended period of time. • The message also displays if the brake system warning light is on. See Brake System Warning Light on page 262. • The message could display if the stability system takes longer than usual to complete its diagnostic checks due to driving conditions. • The message displays if an engine or vehicle related problem has been detected and the vehicle needs service. See your dealer. • The message also displays if the vehicle is shifted into 4LO. The message turns off as soon as the conditions that caused the message to be displayed are no longer present. Don't know why I'm getting this message yet. Will keep researching...
Sorrry i dont know if some one look this cuestion but my truck its showing in screan stabiltrak off ,traction off by self when i put it in 4×4 low its that normal???
Ramiro, yes, that is normal- you don't want those systems kicking in and helping you get stuck- when you shift to 4low they are automatically shut off- I hope this helps.
May this is old but I find this guy on you tube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TUoV2ue7amY
My 2011 Silverado 1500 with 5.3 L engine v8 all the sudden has "service stability and service traction control and reduced engine speed all on". I don't know what to do. The vehicle slowed down to 5km/hr, then I parked it.
HikingViking answered 7 years ago
I've had that happen on my 2007 chevy silverado for a couple of different reasons during the 5 years that I've owned it. 1. Several times it was because the throttle control was dirty (so I cleaned it each time with throttle body cleaner and the light went off). 2. Once when the the mass air flow sensor failed (I got a new one and the light went off). 3. Once when a small hose under the large, plastic air intake diaphram attached to the throttle body cracked on one end (replaced the hose and the light went off). From what I understand there are several reason that the light can go on. These were mine.
I was thinking on buying a 2019 slverado but after all this lights coming on n off on my 2010 silverado i dont think so
QUESTION: (2008 Silverado) My truck currently does NOT have a traction control button. However, ive learned recently that these trucks you can add features to just by plug and play. Such as mirrors with turn signals in them. Anyway, Between my cigarette plug ins, is where the button should be, there is NOT one only a vacant cubby, but when I removed the dash, there is a wiring harness plugged in to a dummy behind that vacant cubby. Questions, can I add a button to this and have traction control???
Guru9YZJTS answered 4 years ago
My 2008 silverado 1500 z71 doesn't have the stabilitrac button but still has the stabilitrac, it bogs down in sand in 4 high and won't burn em on pavement, even in the dirt once the rpms go high it will auto big down the engine.