Why does my car have white smoke?
Hello guys, I have an acura legend 94'
le. And one evening (around 3pm ) i
started my car for work and it had a
jolt and a bunch of white smoke kept
coming from the exhaust. i had an
overheating problem 2 months ago
but after that it never troubled me till 2
months later (present time). I started
up my car, it jolted, then a bunch of
white smoke came out and i let it
warm up for 10 mins and same thing
white smoke. I also smelled a sweet
flavor coming from.somewhere i do
not know and was wondering what the
problem is. My oil is still in good
shape. Starts weirdly after the white
smoke and im scared to drive it
anywhere. I was hoping it isnt a blown
head gasket and i want to.explore
my.options beford i conclude it is
blown..if you guys have any questions
and/or answers or.knows a mechanic
that can help. Id appreciate it a lot.
Thanks, Please feel free to comment