The spindle that turns the starter doenst catch what does it sound like when its trying catch? On 2004 dodge intrepid please
6 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
what is someone trying to start it while it's already running....this is bad can chip teeth on both the pinion and sounds like a terrrrrrible screeeeetch~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
probably can get a junkyard ring gear in good shape from a local salvager~ rebuilt starters are okay....sometimes~
I don't understand your question, are you not able to get your car to start?
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
Bad starter or under voltage solenoid not enough juice to make it to the start contacts from the OLD battery and unable to accept a recharge battery....what should have been replaced sooner than 7 years ago~....also check the ground to chassis connection and to the motor too all must be free of corrosion~
Hey Roy, what's your take on batteries in deserts? Change 7 years or would you probly suggest more often like 3 or 4 years because of the heat?
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
actually not sure, but think that heat would make it fade you know already the tin/antimony alloy degrades ten percent per year...that is to say will not accept a charge as easily ten percent per year, so in ten years will have a battery that will NOT take a charge...the high desert would quicken this degradation one would think just as "that Mastadon meat" is just as fresh as the day he fell a below zero environment ~