Blown head gaskt and engine lock in 98 gmc Z71
I have a 98 gmc, and i think someone
purposely locked my engine up. There isn’t
anything wrong with the truck it’s a good
dependable ride , no signs of anything
messing up etc.. i had went to drive my
truck, when i drove it down the road it went
out on me. So i had it checked my oil and
it was a coffe creamer type.. but not only
my head had blown but my engine locked
up all at once, i didn’t have no sighns of
my truck messing up. Is there anyway
someone could have purposely made my
truck do that.? Is it possiable for someone
to put something in my truck to blow my
head gasket and lock my engine up all at
once.? It’s just weird how my head blown
and my engine locked up all at once.