Low Beams not working.
Asked by Pierson2009 Nov 28, 2013 at 10:54 AM about the 2009 GMC Sierra 1500
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Have daytime running lights during the day and high beams at night. When the sensor turns on the headlights there are no low beams, only highs work. Have replaced the dimmer switch and did not correct problem. Also have checked the relay and fuses which are working?
3 Answers
Find the Brain Box..unplug,replug. It worked for me.. could be bad connection.?
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
suspect the headlight toggle in the turn signal....the reason is this one sees a lot of activity...is fairly high-amperage and subject to degridation~ https://www.google.com/#q=2009+GMC+Sierra+1500+headlight+switch&tb m=shop&spd=9005417846704392573
My 2012 gmc sierra low beams not working but high beams work what could it be.