I have a 2009 Tacoma and having problems with rust. Just wondering if anyone is having the same problem?
I have a 2009 Tacoma that I bought in 2008 when the 2009's first came out. 6 months after I had it Toyota replaced the bumper because it was rusting around where the license plate lights are. Also had a problem with what looked like rust on the body, they told me that it was dust from the breaks. I was to use a compound them wax the truck to get rid of this...I never did because the finish that was put on the truck...as I was told at the dealers, I never have to wax the truck.
A friend of mine from work was looking at my truck and told me that there is rust on the frame along one of the seams.
I also ha the box installed that is suppose to stop rust from happening.
Just wondering if anyone else has been having the same problems with the 2009's.
I know there was a problem from 2005 to about 2008 with the frames rusting.
I am taking the truck back to a different dealer now....they should do something because it is still under warranty.