Kia Soul interior leak


Asked by kas045 Jun 22, 2014 at 07:22 PM about the 2010 Kia Soul

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a 2010 KIA soul, and lately I have been having a problem with every time it rains
the passenger floor is very very wet.  The dealership the last time I took it told me that
there was no leak.. Has anyone else had leaking inside their Kias?  Any info greatly
appreciated . Thanks

28 Answers


Do you have a sun roof? If so it could be clogged drains in the sunroof frame . Look for holes in the front corners. Be sure they are clear of debris.

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I received a phone call yesterday from Kia Corp. as I contacted them concerning this very problem. The man on the phone, who admitted he new nothing about cars, told me that there were no official complaints about this problem. He told me to take my car back to the dealer, I've already done that and what a rip off, and pay $120 plus labor for them to diagnose the problem. Nope

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I took my car to a body shop . He worked on the sunroof. Paid $150.00 up and moved my car and it leaked again. Still leaking from the dome area.

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My car actually ended up being that the seal on the front window was broken, and the water was traveling inside the car and pooling on the floor of the passenger seat.

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I have the exact same problem with our 2010 Soul. I have traced the leak over and over again, always starting at the door seals and even lifting the vehicle to see if some sort of seal is missing under it. I just discovered that there is a plastic piece on the roof that has a pretty good gap in it (unlike the drivers side). I am going to see if there is some sort of rtv sealant that I can possibly work into this area and see if I can fix the problem. Check just under the plastic between the front door and back door. Is it wet like mine just under there? I think it's feeding right through the exterior and interior taking the least path of resistance.

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I buy a Kia Soul yesterday and I just find out the same problem. When I have the AC on the water that normally go out on the floor or road is not going there. I think that can be the AC water inside the car because is clear water and my foot got few drops when we was looking on yet his problem. I'm not sure if I need to call the dealer or take it to a friends shop but is very wet and has not rain since I got my car.

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I have a 2016 Kia Soul any yesterday found the drivers side floor matt soaked . I took it to the car wash ans saw nothing leaking as i went through . A few months ago i went out , it had rained hard through the night . When i pulled my seatbelt out it was soaked . Where would the water come from???

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I have a 2018 and discovered twice now during heavy rain--puddled water on Driver side floor--looks like it is coming form under the dash--I pulled off Fuse box cover and water dripped out--going to call dealer tomorrow for sure

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my front passenger carpet flooded after heavy rain, did not use AC so rain getting in. look with flashlight into plastic grill under windsheild and see if water is pooled after rain or add water through grill to see if it drains. in my 2010 soul water pooled in tray and overflow ran into interior of car. to fix remove robber caps over windsheild bolt and use 14mm socket to remove nut and pull both wiper arms of. remove 5 screws holding plastic and two bolts at either end of plastic cover and then pull off plastic cover. this is easy and takes about 5 minutes. at either end of tray the two drain holes plugged with tree droppings that plugged both holes. see attached photo. i pulled out gunk and water from tray drained out under front wheelwell, take hose with blast spray and put nozzle in drain holes to blast out gunk. while you're at it grease wiper arm pivot linkages.

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Ok people let get a law suit going against Kia since we know it there responsibly. You can contact me at

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I do not have an answer....came on this forum to see if anyone else was having the same problem as we are...we have a 2013 Kia Soul that we bought in 2015. Last week we were going to town and it was raining, not hard tho. I got in on the passenger side and the floor was SOAKED...we thought the heater core, but there was no anti freeze on the windshield and no smell either. We went on to town, no leaking at all, we got home and found the back passenger floor board soaked as well...spent the day with wet and dry vac getting dry.. Had really hard rain last night and more coming tonight, and my husband got in it to go to town, and BOTH soaked again, thought maybe it was leaking around windshield....nothing else was leak around wind shield either. Have found where there are ALOT of reports of this very thing to the Kia dealership...he says they have had NO reports like this.....crazy, any help would be great. we are both disabled and on fixed incomes....

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Good evening I would like to join in on this Kia issue I have a 2005 Kia Sorreta and the rain also leaks in on both side it makes the car smell horrible and Im unsure why it leaks nor why the antifreeze leaks

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My Kia Soul 2013 has gotten soaked today driving 1 1/2 in the rain. Has never done that before. Both front and back passengers side very soaked. I was trying to figure out where the water was coming from and all the way in the back under the floor cover had 1/2 inch rain in that also. It was rain water. I will call the dealer tomorrow. If any ideas please post . I see I'm not the only one with rain problems.

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Its so humid,wet and damp in the car I could turn it into a green house and grow plants.Help! same problem with my 2010 Kia - big puddle on floor of back seat floor passenger side. Took it to 2 mechanics and glass specialist who took the sun roof apart and saw nothing, then they took apart the middle area between the two passenger doors they found no clogs - but it keeps getting soaked - front, back and under passenger seat.

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I have a 2013 Kia Soil with the same problem. Dealer said it’s the seal going around Sunroof AND front windshield and gave me an estimate of $1200

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Having same problem, thought a broken tail light letting water in, mechanic checked trunk, soaked after no rain, lifted rug to see spare tire compartment filled with water! No idea where it is coming from

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Same issue. I have a 2012 Kia soul and recently it has been raining so the car has a strong odor from wet carpets and water. The carpets were slights wet and the back of the car had a puddle of water. I assume that the back has a drain because manufacturers know that the car leaks? Though it was only the car we bought but it seems to be an issue

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Went to a HONEST mechanic yesterday in Ellenwood, GA, and after looking high and low, noticed that there were water stains on the tops of the interior door trim. He suggested that because these smaller new cars DON'T HAVE full frames anymore, their bodies flex more, resulting in a compromised DOOR SEAL.Please look at your doors and see if you notice any water stains on the top of the interior door trim. Probably a new thought for many.

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I need to stop the leaking from my outside rearview mirrors. It happens every time I wash the car. It leaves ugly streaks down both sides of the clean car.

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There is a black seam on the roof on both sides of the car. The seam on the driver's side has separated on one side along its length from the front door to the rear door. The separation is not easy to see but after a series of water tests I found the issue...The separation appears a s a fine gap between the seal and the two roof panels that it connects. Water gets in, collects in the headliner and then leaks through to the compartment soaks the mat, etc. The replacement part costs around $115.00CAD.

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A correction to my post about a week ago. I removed my headliner, removed the roof moldings and the rail on the driver side. I then did a series of tests with a hose. It turns out to be the sunroof (after-market). I had it tested previously and was told that the sunroof was fine...

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I have a 2017 Kia Soul that I bought a couple months ago and the dealer was clever hiding the fact that the driver side mat was wet. They covered it with plastic as if they had just cleaned it. Something is leaking in the car. I tried using a flex seal on the front windshield at the hood. Sometimes I think it’s the A/C. It’s wet after it rains also. It seems to come from the middle dash area and leaks by the gas pedal and then soaks the entire mat. I tried emailing the individual that mentioned a lawsuit to see if others were involved and didn’t get a response. Any help or let me know who to call because this IS a problem.

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I have the same problem with my 2011 Kia I do not have an answer. Everything is soaked, the trunk the passenger floor even the glove box had water in it. I’ve taken it two places and no one has answers. Tried to troubleshoot it myself. There is no antifreeze smell. I do not think it is the windshield or the air conditioner. I’m going to trade it in because I’m not going to have my daughter drive a car that ends up being moldy. Kia should address this issue!!!

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Have a 2010 Kia Soul. Started about a month ago. The back floors were wet and even a puddle of water. I had the floors professionally cleaned and the odor was still there and so was the water. It rarely rains in San Diego but I never had this problem before. It looks like a lawsuit should be done. Anyone?


Hello everyone, I have the solution thanks to someone on Kia Soul forums. I have a 2011 and everything was soaked, 4 inches of water in the spare tire compartment. Like everyone could. It figure it out. Behind the brake light on the drivers side, there is a HOLE in the frame, with a plastic vent like thing over it, with a flap of thin rubber over that. I tested in pouring water down the side of the car and it pours right through the hole, and into the space behind the trunk trim! Pours into the spare tire compartment and right down the side of the car behind the trim to rear seats and the floor. Totally unbelievable. Worst design ever. There is utterly no reason for this and it is infuriating. THANK YOU to the person on the other forum who came back with an answer. I'll update when I figure out how to reach it, may have to take the whole bumper off.

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I have a 2015 Kia Soul. 2 weeks ago, we had a big downpour of rain. I get in the car and turn the corner--water starts pouring out of the overhead sunglass compartment. I see the headliner fabric on the passenger side is all wet. I take it to KIA. They finally say they see the leak but have no clue what is causing it. My insurance would not pay for the exam. They have me take it to a water leak specialist. He just called-said the leak is where the upper body seam meets the windshield. That water has been coming in for who knows how long, as my carpets are soaked. I have weathertech mats so I never noticed. My seats and dash were never wet. He will write up a report and HOPEFULLY Progressive will cover this but I am not holding my breath. He said it will probably be about $1200 to repair it all. This is crazy!!!!

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