where is the ballast resistor wire to the ignition own a 1990 lincoln town car
4 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
okay, you're tryin' to confuse me...ignition switch to fusebox...then onto the coil...resistor is in there...did not know they still did this anymore...will have to look at your electrical schematic to confirm...is there a problem with gettin' it to spark?~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
okay...now I'm really confused~ https://www.google.com/search? biw=1152&bih=624&tbm=shop&sclient=psy- ab&q=1990+Lincoln+Town+Car+ballast+resistor&oq=1990+Lincoln+Town +Car+ballast+resistor&gs_l=serp.12...37552.41484.1.44211. 0.216.2846.1j16j1.18.0.crnk_timecombined...0...1.1.32.psy- ab..10.8.1166.L-Jp6joHecQ&pbx=1
no spark,rebuilt distributor fouling out coils,when we reset time the person before me ran a wire out off the fuse box up in the dash the ballastor wire from the ignition too the fuse box is falty we bought a new one too replace it but we cant locate which wire it is