How to shut off motion and light flashing detector on Q5 Audi
I leave my dog in my Q5 Audi and I hit the lock
button once and then again however it still senses
her motion inside causing the lights to flash but no
sound of the alarm how do I shut it off completely
so the lights don’t flash or sound the alarm
3 Answers
On the Audis of old (I have several) there is a button hidden on the lower drivers b pillar, down by the floor where the seatbelt retracts into. When you get out of the car hit the button, it will either flash or have a solid indicator light on, when this happens it gives you approx 20 seconds to close and lock the doors with the override engaged. This will keep the sensors off. Good Luck!
The Shrieking answered 2 years ago
Leaving windows and sun roof open on my 2020 q5 didn’t work. Double clicking with a couple seconds between clicks doesn’t work either. There is no button to disable it either.