97marquis and the water pump started going out. I went to add water and now it won't crank and makes a whining noise as I try to start it and acts like it wants to crank.
2 Answers
The two problems are likely unrelated. From what you say I suspect the starter solenoid is no longer working as it should. I would first clean the battery terminals and cable ends and see if that helps but I think you need a new starter.
Well water possibly did I didnt put coolant in it every time, mostly if it was gonna get a little chilly at night I used the coolant. I did pull apart the connectors wire bundles that were close to the filler tank to check and see if any were corroded looking and none really seemed to be. I didnt think about cheking all the connectors on that side because it would blw water occasionally from where it leaked and blown by the fan.