93 TOYOTA Battery went dead playing the radio. Jumped it and it started up again but while i was putting the cables away it died again. then would not restart. i replaced the battery and it turns over
6 Answers
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
check for fuel and spark , something else may have gone bad by pure coincidence ,
i hooked up the obd ports abd i get a steady blink on my check engine light instaead of the multiple blinks to indicate the problem now what
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
you'll have to see what that is , some would flash something three times to let you know the ECM is working and then give the codes (talking GM here ) maybe the computer ain't no good that's possible , sounds like bad ECM symptoms to me , hard to say from my living room
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
do the obvious , get a multi tester and see if you have 14+ volts when running then you'll know if the alt. is any good
it wont start so checking for voltage while running isnt an option
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
does it turn over ? (crank) , check for spark and see if the injector(s) are firing , pour some gas in the throttle and see if it fires