It's's 2020 now, so try again.
If still problematic, check to see if your ps belt actually snapped! If not, check reservoir
fluid level. If low or foamed up try filling it and cycling the steering wheel back and forth
fully. If no go, look at top of ps pump; if wet, you have air cavitation into its small top o-
ring, which is a very quick and cheap repair. The battery light indicates perhaps a failed
alternator. If the new battery won't hold a charge, and the system measures 12v instead of
13.8-14.6v or so when idling then your alt is crap. They're fairly cheap too.
Brakes are noisy from sitting awhile? Use 'em a bit and see if they polish up to quietness.
If not tour rotors are rusted and need replacement. Try to wait until the salt's off the road if
possible. Diagnosis here may not be too tricky all around, but prices vary hugely for
repairs. If I had to service the ps pump and belt (1 hr), the alt (1 hr), and let's say one
axle's full brakes (1hr), I'd charge a total of about $650...and maybe toss in an air filter and
look at the old platinum plugs, too, as they're fragile and should be replaced with the new
iridium ones. Check your ignition wires, too, and when't the last time you drained and
refilled the 4EAT trans? That's important to keep clean as your Subie ages out. Good luck.