remove 67 mustang heater core?

Asked by 931loprofile Apr 23, 2007 at 09:01 PM about the 1967 Ford Mustang

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

How do you remove a 67 Mustang heater core, with factory A/C?

2 Answers

Hi 931. Replacing a heater core is often a frustrating job that only a contortionist would love. That is especially true in Mustangs on any vintage. I couldn't find a step-by-step guide on the web for older Mustangs and I'm not sure how much help a generic how-to would help here. So instead I decided to help you find a repair manual for your Mustang. If this beauty is going to be around for a while and you are inclined to tackle jobs like the heater core, you are going to want to have one. It will pay for itself 10 times over in time and aggravation on the heater core alone. Here's a link to where you can purchase one. Good luck!

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kind have to stand on your head to get to it. The heater core is on the right hand side of the cockpit. There are clips that hold the cover on the front of the container. You have to remove the cover and there is the core. Watch out for the mouse nest. It's not a big deal to replace the core. You have to remove the hoses and, of course, the fluids prior to taking it out. There are hose clamps on the two hoses on the core in the back. I suggest since you are dealing with a new core to replace the hoses if you haven't done so recently. Watch out for fluid in the core when you remove it. Put some papers and towels down on the floor. Put it back together like you took it apart.

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