warning lights stays on
8 Answers
It is yellow and located near the 40 mph gauge. It does not say what it is
Refer to your owners manual. Your description is too vague for us to accurately answer your question.
Christopher answered 15 years ago
Does it look like a weird horseshoe shape with an ! in it? Sorry, I don't have the Sonata dash memorized. If it is the light I described that is your tire pressure warning light and it is on to tell you that one of your tires is low on tire pressure. Hyundai tire pressure lights can come on if the tire pressure is as little as 3psi below the factory recommendation. If the light looks like an engine. That is your malfuction indicator lamp or your check engine light. This means there is more likely a problem with a vehicle and that you should take it in for service.
my owners manual got stolen. abs inside of circle. esc off lights are both lit up
abs inside of circle & esc off dash warning lights. i dont know what either of them mean. ????
i had a flat tire last night & my spare is on it . im taking it in today but had to drive my boys to school & work. esc off sensor is also on. ???? im taking it in this morning, but want to make sure i can drive it in
Guru9X6TCQ answered 3 years ago
disconnect negative cable from battery for 10 minutes. It should reprogram/reset when connected back.