Selling my Prius
4 Answers
This is surprising- Maybe you are approaching the wrong people?
hybrid4sale answered 11 years ago
Mileage will hurt you the most. But also the public still thinks it is expensive to replace the hybrid battery system (only $800). It used to be very expensive but they have come down a lot. The purchase benefit to potential buyer is depreciation has been absorbed by first owner.
The farther north you live the lower the resale value will be on all Prius models. Cold weather reduces the MPG and also I found the Prius handles poorly in snow. With low clearance it is great in mild to warm areas - that is where to buy, use and sell a Prius.
I think it's a combination of things. First and foremost, people don't care as much about fuel economy as they used to with tumbling gas prices. When gas was upwards of $4.00 a gallon, used Prii were selling for above new sticker, and the dealers were backordered on new ones. Remember also that people were dumping their Lincoln Navigators for peanuts. Now the shoe is on the other foot. The other issue is hard to believe, but most people are still ignorant about the differences between the Prius and conventional cars, and tend to fear that difference. Even in 2015, I have been asked over a dozen times how long I have to charge it (I politely explain that it just runs on regular gas and they seem surprised). If gas prices suddenly take a hike again, then you'll see your value shoot up.