07 kia spectra code p0700
Asked by Creepyree538362 Feb 12, 2025 at 02:17 PM about the Kia Spectra
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Code P0700, print out from parts store says
replace transmission wire harness how
accurate is that and what cost range am I
looking at
2 Answers
Not very accurate, that is just a general code indicating something is wrong in the control system, could be the TCM, the shift solenoids, valve body problem, etc. Thee best and cheapest thing to do is to take it to a good transmission shop and have them run tests on the transmission and control systems, then they can tell you if it is electronic or something even deeper. Remember this is an old KIA so it's not worth putting much money into it.
beatupchevy answered about a month ago
The clerk at auto zoo sells parts , they are not a technician