Every time I brake the car and then step on the gas, I can feel a push of the car. Is there anything wrong?
4 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
automatic----your fluid level is low...check for leaks at the flexible transmission lines.manual-your master/slave operation needs help...check the fluid level and bleed the clutch cylinder~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
a clobberd up EGR valve can do this too----vacuum leaks recommend silicone replacement tubing because the old rubber ones start to act like old rubber, but silicone stays supple, many performance problems such as yours are created by cheapo vacuum hose because these geniouses decided to build for the mass market....not a superior product, Gates rubber, and summit racing too, you could take an unlit propane torch around to the vacuum connections, when the idle speed changes, you've found one of the leaks~ I'm sorry I just do not believe in second-rate components~
Thanks a lot for the answer. It's good to know where it might go wrong...
I'm having the same issue but im not seeing where there is a leak anywhere.