does the VR6 have all wheel drive?
12 Answers
The R32 is a vr6 and it has 4-motion. It's called the haldex. 70F/30R I believe is the power ratio. When the ecu senses the input from the wheel speed sensors it adjusts power to the front, back, or side wheels
The R32 has the 3.2 v6 and is much more expensive. The base VR6 has a 2.8 v6 and it does not have AWD it is only FWD.
how does it handle in the snow? ever driven one in the snow?
in europe there is a awd version of the vr6, its called the syncro
and if ur wondering how the 2wd version handles the snow, i got one and i got snow tires on and it does fine. just be light on the throttle
in Europe have fwd (2.8) VR6 and 4WD (2.9), which is very rare
Ive got the mk4 V6 2.8 24v 4motion (Haldex) and the system is amazing in the snow turn the traction off and drift away or leave it on and be amazed at how much grip it can find on snow and ice!! The 4wd is great off the lights and its near impossible to wheelspin even with traction off u just end up in the boot lol, unless ur in the snow then u will probabliy wnd up going round on the spot doing donuts (yes the spin on the spot)!!
The only VR6 GTI's that came with AWD are the 2004 MKIV R32 and the 2008 MKV R32. Both are limited edition models (5000 of each in the states) and the AWD is based on the Haldex system. It handles fairly well in the snow but it depends on what tires you have.
well you can get a vr6 syncro but VW only made a couple thousand so have fun trying to get one. The majority of the VR6 Golfs or MK3s are only front wheel drive. With 4 wheel drive they are very nice in handling but the differential is not the greatest for the rear. 160 mph stock on the autobahn. My old military buddy has one.
So no one has really answered anything concerning and AWD system (40:60/50:50 ratios). Anyone else heard of such a thing?
StevietheK answered 15 years ago
wish they'd either have made the R32 with a stick, or provided a GTI with AWD! I would have bought either (prefer the latter...)
The mk4 R32 came with a manual transmission, the mk5 DSG only, and the mk6 Golf R will have manual transmission as well