water pump causing squealing?


Asked by Dawn May 09, 2014 at 11:35 PM

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

06 Sorento started squealing.  Has 104000 miles.  Replaced all belts except timing belt
and it's still squealing.  Kia mechanic says it's the water pump.  Does this sound right?  
Just wanted to check before I spend all this money to replace water pump and timing
belt.  Thanks in advance.

6 Answers


with 104,000 miles, you should trade it, yes the water pump and nx mo ?? they have a very bad report, what happens the bearings inside the pump get worn with miles, you can fix,it or wait till it starts leaking on the road and trying to get home or to a garage, the heads get warped from overheating, then the motors done. kal


Can you pinpoint the squealing you'll be able to tell if its from the water pump or behind the pump or timing belt


Take off vbelt then you'll hear if it's the timing belt to the water pump. Most likely it's a vbelt pulley bearing.

It the water pump it happened to me I replace the belt and still noisy replaced the PS pump and was still noisy finally replaced the water pump problem solved!

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