Hello all. I have a 1975 Corvette L48 with side pipes. No muffler. What is the most economic way to deaden the sound a bit?
3 Answers
what kind if side pipes?size..will a cherry bomb muffler slide into them???
I would go find someone creative at a muffler shop to see if they could add anything to it. It is only a short distance they can work with. Otherwise it is replacing the pipes with a quieter one.
Most sidelights have baffles inside to quiet the noise yet allow a freezer flow. I can guess they are not stock from the factory. Some side pipes can be ordered without baffles. Your's may be that type. A replacement may be necessary unless you decide to go back to factory style and route it under the car and exit out the back. If you like the side pipe look, shop for a replacement. When the factory side pipes were put on Corvettes, they tended to be quite compared to the under the car exhausts.