My car will not start ! Please help !
Okay so, I ended up getting a flat tire
so i parked my car until I could afford
a new tire as driving on a donut tire is
not very safe for a period of a week...
I finally got a tire on pay day and had
an appointment on Monday ...
Sunday rolls around and I figured I
would start the car and clean the
interior while it was nice outside and
wouldn't you know it ... It would not
start I called my brother . in law
whom brought cables to boost the
battery ... This did nothing, the
battery is fine and holding it's
charge... Now we questioned
possibly the starter, the car was
jacked up and we proceeded to
"jump" the starter manually it rolled
over and worked fine, just still the car
would not start or run... Now we
questioned the fuel pump, the key
was turned to on and fuel pump
kicked on so this is not the problem
either .... I checked the oil and it was
low so I topped it up thinking maybe
there was a sensor in the motor to
not allow starting the vehicle if oil
levels were to low this also did not
work ! I am not sure what else to do
or what else to even check, if there is
anyone who could help I would
greatly appriciate it thank you in
advance !