The A/C on my 2003 Taurus SES is on all of the time. What should I be looking for to correct the situation?
5 Answers
Are you saying it runs the compressor even when the switch is off? If so, you more than likely have a stuck relay.
Thanks, Mike. Yes, the A/c compressor was replaced about a year and a half ago. Since then the compressor cycles even with the switch off and the vents blow ice cold air in any switch position. Do you know which relay to check?
They are located in the power distribution box in most cases. There is a footprint map under the top cover for locating fuses and relays. You also might have a seperate relay box located under the air intake. This box will contain A/C, Fuel Pump and ignition control relays and must be replaced as an assembly. They run $250-$300 at the dealer and you'll need to get the numbers off the box for the parts guys to get you the right one. Good Luck!
You might also check the blend air door in the hvac box assembly. If you're getting cold air even with the heat setting turned up that is the most likely problem. Good Luck!
Thanks, Mike. If I turn the temp selector in the red I get plenty of heat. If it's in the blue though it's A/C air. I'll check all you've mentioned. Again, thanks.