dodge grand caravan cranks but wont start
Asked by caravan_1334 Mar 09, 2017 at 11:02 AM about the 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan SE AWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
hey guys i was driving my van fine next time
i got in. it started and immediatly died and
after that it cranks but wont start i dont hear
the fuel pump maybe the issue is there were
do i start in diagnoseing
5 Answers
beatupchevy answered 8 years ago
check for fuel pressure at the shrader valve when you turn the key , if not see if there is voltage and ground at the fuel pump . If you can get a half cup of gas in the throttle and it runs for a bit then I'd say thats a fuel problem
hav e the same problem , put the gas pedel to the floor and let it turn over. mine starts avery time
Start with the filter , if your fuel filter clogs then you won't get proper gas pressure. The cost for this is usually less than $15. If it turns out to be the pump you would want to replace the filter anyways
my van cranks over but wont start but in keep cranking for a while it will start
if its cranking but no start check its getting gas