vehicle info center will not work on 97 jeep grand cherokee
3 Answers
This is a common problem with the vehicle information center. There is a fix for this. They show several ways to accomplish this on Youtube. Basically you need to remove the VIC and take it apart. Then solder the two solder joints where they have cracked loose. This happens over time. Easy fix. I have done this on several friends Jeeps. Once the solder joints are redone and power is supplied to the VIC everything will work again.
geraldgoott answered 5 years ago
As my VIC is Dead does the same apply to the VIC on a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee V8 Ltd?As I live in South Africa please reply on email to I have a similar problem with the information center on the overhead console which I've replaced twice.Have you any idea where I can buy a new one in the States or from a wreck or bring mine to the States to be repaired when I visit in June? Many Thanks Regards, Gerald