Neither of my doors will unlock from inside
4 Answers
Bob-Christine answered 10 years ago
Just asking did you check the fuses. Can you hear the lock clicking, I'm assuming they are power locks. Does it lock on the inside ok. If so it could be the switch. If you hear it click but not unlock, could be the solenoid is damaged, or has become disconnected from the door lock. If you hear nothing at all and it doesn't lock or unlock from inside, could be switch, power to switch, solenoid, any connecting rods. If they are manual probably a rod became disconnected inside the door.
Bob-Christine answered 6 years ago
According to the info I have it should be interior fuse panel fuse # 15 for your power door locks. 25amp fuse. Hope that helps
Bob-Christine answered 6 years ago
Can you hear the lock clicking when you press the lock/unlock switch? Does it lock on the outside with key ok? If you hear nothing and fuse is ok, you'll have open door panel to check wires and connecting rods while in there. Don't forget to check plug on lock solenoid. Could have just come loose or corrosion on prongs.