2001 jeep grand cherokee engine knock and no oil. Added oil and still knocking. Was told I need a new oil pump. But if the engine is knocking is it worth it to replace oil pump.
2 Answers
You imply that the knock was caused by "no oil"- so what the knock is- could be bad-if it is a rod knocking your engine will need a complete rebuild- might as well just drive it- "KNOCK-KNOCK" "Who's there?" "OIL" "Oil who?" "OIL I ever wanted was a little maintenance!"
ksteinmetz answered 10 years ago
I think that next time you buy any vehicle you should know how to take take of it no oil means bad news i would like to see 1 engine that runs without it . You should check oil every time you put gas in but i think it is to late for yours . You might find a dummy to take it off your hands if it even runs good luck