2002 jeep ps leak
4 Answers
Whelp that's a hose alright. Guess you know what that means, if it's leaking gotta replace it. One hose is high-pressure, the other low pressure return line. a parts shop will get you the right hose. Plenty of Youtube vids on swapping out a PS hose, not much to it really.
So i take ir as the hose i circled is low pressure line ?
I lookes at it again and it looks the the hose circled in orange is drippes from the top onto what appear to be a wire for a sensor circled in red
If you have leaking power steering fluid, it's either coming from the pump itself, or one of the two hoses (high pressure and low), or the rack, and you better hope it's not the rack ($$$). I'm not really able to make out much on those pics, but just compare whichever hose you suspect is leaking to parts pics on any auto parts web site.