1998 Audi A4 Quattro 2.8

Asked by 98audia4 Oct 26, 2017 at 10:31 PM about the 1998 Audi A4 2.8 quattro Sedan AWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I need some help on what is the problem,
When I go to work the car starts. When I
get off work the car starts. When I get
home say I shut the car off and then I go
some where the car won’t start it cranks
but don’t start.

2 Answers


is the car hot when you park it and is the engine bay directly in the sun ? if this is the case its the throtle body heat temp sensor. its under that bulky vacum line holder in the middle at the back. its about 114$ from the dealer. I would say pull the sensor and clean it and your MAFS at the same time with some maf cleaner it might do the trick it might not i know i had to replace mine as it was burnt out. best way to know if this is the issue is when you park and the car is either in direct sun(which causes extra heat under the hood) the sensor thinks the engine is over heating and keeps the car from running. park the car after a trip that gets the car heated to proper operating temp then park it in the sun for a few minutes. if it does not start then this is the issue. if it starts like mine did by pushing your gas peddle to the floor before cranking it and it starts then 100% this sensor is your issue.

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