My 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix is leaking oil onto my engine and i dont know what to do to fix it.
5 Answers
First step is to find the leak. You probably should clean the oil off which will allow you to see the source. Where do you see the oil?
I tried cleaning as best as i could and still canot find the source of the leak. I will purchase engine degreaser later today. I have never had a leaking problem before until today and i smelled it after moving the car 50 feet.
Oil leaks can sometimes be hard to see due to their location or severity. Likely places to look are the valve cover(s) along the head(s), the oil filter (check that it is tight and has not worked its way loose), drain plug (also check for tightness), oil pan perimeter around the bottom of the engine block, and head gasket around the top of the engine block. Once you find it you can then get a good picture on how to remedy it.
Its leaking oil from where the oil is poured into i believe it's called the gasket. Well where the screws are located on that part is where the leak is coming from and i dont know how to stop it