Grand Prix Overheated, Now wont turn over or start
Hello everyone. I have a 2006 grand prix base model. I have been trying to
repair it. I put in a trans in December so it was running pretty smooth. My car
was out of coolant and i pulled over to a oil change shop. The guy poored
coolant into my clear coolant jug ( but my engine was still hot ) on my way
home from work the car was still gradually over heating. I made it home but
then a few hours later i tried driving the car across town, it began to over heat.
I made it to my location and back with the engine temp line high but not in the
red zone. I made it home by 9 pm at 11 pm car would not start. With that being
said im assuming i locked the engine. Car lights up but doesnt crank nor turns
over. Any suggestions