Fogging on inside of headlight

Asked by Leonardjr Dec 14, 2018 at 01:20 PM about the 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt LT Sedan FWD

Question type: General

I have a 2006 Chevy cobalt that had foggy
headlights from all the years. I just bought a kit and
did the outside of each headlight. Left side looks
amazing, brand new and all. The right side is a
heck of a lot better, but I noticed some fogging on
the inside. I thought it was on the outside but, after
additional sanding I came to conclude it was surely
on the inside. Without breaking the thing apart
what could I do to try and ride of that fogging?

2 Answers


The fogging inside might just be water condensation and you can chase it out by removing the bulb and blow hot air inside to dry it out. But on a car that old, it may have oxidized just like the outside, and I doubt you can disassemble it with anything smaller than a sledge hammer. A pair of new headlight assemblies on Ebay might be $100, which includes new bulbs.

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Drying it out with a hair dryer or compressed air is virtually impossible because there is no way of getting proper air movement going. If the car is not going to be used for a few days take the light assemblies out, remove the bulbs, and lay them in a warm dry place with the opening facing upwards. Then let nature take its course. The moisture will eventually evaporate, but it could take a while. After that reassemble and you'll be good for a while. If you can see where the moisture is leaking in try to seal that, Best fix is new lights.

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