my celica starts but dies immediately. everything checks out fine. could it be the anti theft key chain not being on on my key? if not then what?
Asked by Phillsacks530 Jun 29, 2013 at 09:59 AM about the 2002 Toyota Celica GT
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
3 Answers
What is an anti theft key chain?
1 people found this helpful.
Phillsacks530 answered 11 years ago
Its not the chain exactly. It acts the same as the little chips they put in the keys now
Not familiar with that. Wish I was more help....if it runs enough to get to AutoZone or any large parts house get your OBD codes read...unless you have already done that and that is what you mean by 'everything checks out fine'. Other than that, I for one am stumped. Its really difficult, as you might imagine, to diagnose there things not being at the car