need a little advice actually..... 03 celica engine tear down???
started tear down and I have the toyota service guide for
00celica (same thing pretty sure so far) I would like advice on
just how diffucult taking the cams off and lifts are the servic.
manual descibes it in a way that leaves me scratching my
head a little, really just wondering is it as ccomplicated as it
sounds or it's one of those things as you work on it the
vagueness of the manual starts to make sense? or pay the
little extra to the machine shop to check everything cause its
likely could be a problem? car had stuck thermostat and over
heated on highway oil choco milk oil in antifreeze it was only
hot for 2 mins cut engine looked under hood went back
turned to acc back to normal drove home fine after next day
back home from work 20 miles took me 3 hours stop and go
as soon as it popped up one notch pulled over and waited.
haven't driven it since. So if anybody has a bit of advice
would really appreciate it thanks...... oh and I'm pretty solid
on working on cars but they have all been hondas done
2other head jobs 90 civic 96 accord civic took head down to
nothing accord took everything to machine girlfriend drove
that one for awhile overheating huge mess.... again thank
you to whoever can shoot me some advice on this just
nervous about the all aluminum motor thing