i have a 1996 toyota rav, bought it 2 years ago, changed the battery and now everytime i go to open the door the hazards start flashing, and the ignition switch wont work. could it be an anti theft system?? if so i didnt know it had one, and how do i locate it to reset it?
4 Answers
2wheelT100 answered 10 years ago
Not sure if your RAV has remote locks...it's possible that a prior owner had an aftermarket alarm installed. Check under the dash (drivers side) for a module, usually black, that does not look like a Toyota part, it should have a flat connector - all wres in a row, probably 8 or 10 of them, unplug connector from module and hopefully you'll be all set.
Yes, exact same vehicle and problem. Trying to locate the black module.
It's a default anti theft. Ir you don't hace beepers. You can reset ir by turn your key 2 or three times between off and on position.
Did anyone figure this out? Cars been sitting for almost a year and I just wanna get it started and sell it. Please let me know!!