I recently had my car die on me and was certain it was the alternator, replaced it, still nothing, then i check battery it was bad so I replaced , my car still won't start it turns over and shuts off
6 Answers
Have you checked your inertia switch? Should be in the trunk on the right side. Has a red button on it.
Could be a number of symptoms does it turn over and feel like its gonna start or just cranking over etc many issues could be... fuel pump, crank sensor spark problem many let me no what it does and we go from there but sounds like fuel problem gotta get it tested
Well your gonna have to get a fuel pressure tester thats the garages way but me turn key on and listen too see if your pump is kicking on if not ok fuel pump is the problem if u hear it kick on dosent rule fuel pump out it might kick on just not strong enough to pump fuel when in doubt just replace the pump after listening to these symptoms
Thank you that has to be it, I'm not hearing the fuel pump engaging at all, so I will check out 1st
Ok also just cause you yourself cant hear it dont mean its faulty sometimes cars have quiet pumps have a helper crank car over while u listen get in back seat while listenig to make sure your pump really is shot