okayyyy? ,not sure if this is the way for me to reply or not ,but here goes. I ended up finding a couple of the clips/clamps/holders at a junk yard. but? the others I ended up making out of get this- believe it or notripley- wall stud protectors from a local zettlers hardware store. yep:) ended up using them because they were the exact right thickness and bendable/malleable to make a copy of the rusted out clips I took off the truck. I made a paper copy of the clip then traced it onto the flattened wall stud protecter. then I clamped the piece to a 2x4 and drilled and cut it to shape and then bending it around a 1/4" drill bit shaft hammering it into shape. then I drilled it through with a 5/16" drill bit . after this I scuffed it up and sprayed it with duplicolor rust fix and let dry, then sprayed it with duplicolor flat black paint. it took about a hour to get the part cut and formed .to look exactly like the ones in the pictures.except new of course. : ) then I made the other less complicated ones that had no tang/tab for the hole in the A arm. the simplest clip I made holds the abs cable to the Arm and was bolted onto the ball joint and was cut to seat against the ridge on the casting where the grease fitting backing plate is pressed into the balljoint. just thought I would pass on my little experience with finding/making the frame clips I needed for the abs sensor cable. later.