My 2004 Jetta has 93,000 miles on it how can I tell if the timing belt needs to be changed?
2 Answers
If it has never been done, right now, it's overdue. The only way to tell if it's been done is check service records, and if there are no records it needs inspection. Some mechanics will write with a Sharpie or label inside timing cover with date and mileage..and if all this does not work and you are in any doubt, change it. The 1.8 in the 2004 Jetta is an 'interference' engine and if it breaks it will bend valves, getting real expensive. Image will go full screen
i would say the same as what he said but the thing you also gotta know is when you do a timing belt you gotta replace all the pulley's bolts and water pump and thermostat it is recommended by any mechanic worth there merits and has worked on a volkswagon or audi will tell you this. the 1.8 is not as hard to get done as the 2.8 *which is what i got in my audi* but i would try shopping at online websites first for the entire kits here is an example kit not sure which engine you have but this is the basic 1.8 gas engine kit There is a few other web sites that offer kits you just gotta hunt them down but blu is usually the best kits you can buy garage time will also run you up over mm maybe 1000$ at audi if you buy the parts there and have them do it my v6 2.8 was 1400$ after tax but it also has 2 dual cams so takes 8 hrs to do it 1.8 should only take 6 hrs give or take an hr or 2.