05 Volkswagen Jetta cranking but
Asked by kkbk08 Mar 01, 2017 at 05:53 AM about the 2005 Volkswagen Jetta 2.5L
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My 05 Volkswagen Jetta has been cranking over
but will not start after someone swapped out
batteries with a different vehicle because of not
having jumper cables to jump my battery with. Ever
since then out my card has been cranking over but
will not start I've been told at that it could have
locked up my computer by a couple different
people and I've also been told it could be a fuse or
have a short in it I have no clue where to even start
and don't have the money to take it to the dealer.
Can someone please help me out with some
insight? Thanks!
5 Answers
Oops, I didn't mean to put out after "ever since then" in my question above. Spell check, UGH!!
Oh yeah also, once I get a jump to where it will turn over, all my lights work, horn and radio works as well. And its been cranking over kinda fast, sounds like cranking over a little faster than usual since I've been having this problem. Sounds like it wants to start but just won't! I'm pretty sure it's getting gas, and air (or whatever other words used to describe the 3 things cars ABSOLUTELY need to run! Lol... I don't think it's getting spark/fire.... Just thought I'd add this information to try to help someone/anyone give me any known information that could help! Thanks, it's much appreciated!
It may be worth your wild to check out you tube then you can see the things you want to do.
I have the same trouble if the screen said "STOP!!!" more than 3 times it won't start it needs a reset check the feul pump and filter if thats fine move on to the high pressure frul pump in the engine that must push 100 psi of feul at moment of fire if theres no problem it's the injectors if it is one do all because the others will go shortly if it is not that also check plugs. Check the plugs first if all is checked and fixed and been for reset and problem still there save time and money by simply taking it to the dealership
I have learned if you step on the feuling pedal before putting the vehicle on and holding it down until after start it almost starts immediately and bypasses all the tests just jumps to starting