I have a 1992 Mazda Miata and I purchased a Seat Belt Tower Cross brace from a salvage yard off a 1997 Miata. I noticed right away that it won't fit over the exisiting seat belt bolts ... but there are holes next to them that will fit. Is this correct ?


Asked by BULTOY Jun 25, 2013 at 12:32 PM about the 1992 Mazda MX-5 Miata Base

Question type: General

1992 Miata .. will a 1997 Cross Brace fit and how to install

17 Answers

this is major surgery here and will require some welding~ this isn't a bolt-in affair because we're stopping your body weight and need to be solid~ have a body shop do this~

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thanks....hate to say this, was a time when we did not need seat belts...my '59 Catalina had NO seat belts and a single cylinder brake...and a rusted parking brake....hey, I was a kid....they sure could build some beautiful monsters back in the day....think automakers have dropped the ball when the Japanese cars appeared on the market in the early seventies...all the sexiness of design yields to the almighty dollar, it seems~


Yes those holes are made for the the brace. they added them to all first gen miata's from 94 to 97. Theres a great write up on this over in miata.net.

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i went to miata.net .... it's quite overwhelming. Just seems like a very "crowded and busy" site. I tried doing a search to find the write up but was not able to find it

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I've learned this is a "bolt-in" affair for the convertibles...cannot tell you where I heard this...when I've got time will double back and research~

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google search "mazda miatta bolt-in seatbelt" then look at images...click on the image and more images that are related will appear....that's how I found these~

BULTOY...you're naughty...I can tell by the car...having serviced many of these tend to get a feel for their owners~ Bully for YOU~....judge_roy

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Im not shure exactly what judge_roy is talking about but try this link It should help by giving you the exact info you need. PS: some early cars did come with the prethreaded hole for the cockpit brace. http://www.miata.net/garage/cockpit_brace.html

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well Michael, all he wants is a shoulder belt...well X-belts are available for the overhead roll bar...does he want this? are you sure?...Michael~? one thing is for sure with a name like BULTOY is certain to be a riot at parties~


Good luck BULTOY. ROY he seems talking about an OEM factory brace! not a rollbar or x-belts ect. and Im not shure exactly what your rambling on about but good day to you sir and good luck..

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Well Michael ... that site you sent me was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

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