Check engine light and flashing cruise control 2006 Subaru Forester
Asked by Yaris_11968 Mar 05, 2017 at 02:35 PM about the 2007 Subaru Forester 2.5 X L.L. Bean Edition
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Followed the advice I read here.
Disconnected the negative terminal on the
battery for 30 mins, removed gas cap and
put it back on securely, turned ignition to
ACC for a few minutes. Then started car.
Both lights were gone! Thanks so much.
Glad I looked here first before going in to
the Subaru dealer.
7 Answers
The lights will be back on since you did not fix the problems that turned on the lights.
TheSubaruGuruBoston answered 8 years ago
CEL will recur after 3rd restart IF there's an ongoing issue. Good luck.
This is the third time in the past 6 months that my 2006 forester with 70,000 miles on it has done this. I bought a new gas cap a few weeks ago but the CEL and cruise control lights are back on again. a local mechanic checked the vapor / emission system ?(im not a car person) and there were no apparent leaks. I drive 70 miles a day so its freaking me out a bit.
Shoot I did not get the code... but the mechanic said there was a very small leak in what I think was called vapor recapture system? and reset it again. I did fill up my gas tank the day before the light came on, but i'm pretty sure I turned the cap enough times
You are a god send! I'm trying to sell my Subaru and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. My check engine light came on and the cruise control light. The next morning I had a flat tire. The guys in the shop said the lights could have come on because of the flat tire but they weren't sure. I just went out and I followed your directions and it worked! I love when I fix stuff all by myself! I don't need no stinking man in my life I got this. Thank you so much.